Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

RB refers to RB New Zealand Limited ("RB"). (and its affiliates) (“RB”, “we” or “us”). 
This Privacy Policy aims to help you understand how we may use personal information collected by RB in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.  We are not responsible for any third party websites which may be accessible through links from RB’s website.

What personal information does RB collect and how do we collect it?

RB collects personal information that is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, RB’s functions and activities which includes the marketing and sale of products to consumers. When you visit our website, buy something from our websites or apps or enter a competition or other promotion carried out by us, RB may collect personal information such as your name, company and title or position, contact details such as telephone number and postal or email address, and any other information relating to you which you may provide.
We and our service providers or third-party ad-servers also collect information through cookies and similar technologies. Most cookies and similar technologies will only collect de-identified information such as:

  • how you arrive at our website
  • your general location,
  • browsing history on our websites or apps;
  • how you search for our websites or apps, from which website or app you came from, and which of our partners’ websites or apps you use;
  • which ads or online content from us and our partners you view, access, or click on;
  • whether you open our electronic communications and which parts you click on (for example, which links you use); and

We (and our service providers or third-party ad-servers) may also collect information made publicly available through third-party platforms (such as online social media platforms), through online databases or directories, or that is otherwise legitimately obtained.
You have the option of providing information to us anonymously, unless we consider that it would be impractical for us to deal with you anonymously. For example, you have the option of providing us with only a telephone number or email, or a telephone number and email accompanied by a pseudonym, or by only providing an email or telephone number. However a consequence of not providing your name or address may be, amongst other things, that certain services may not be available to you, or that you will not be able to be awarded a prize if you are a prize winner in a competition or promotion which is being run by us. 
RB will not collect sensitive information (such as information about your race, religion or politics) unless we obtain your express consent to do so.
At or before the time we collect your personal information, or, if that is not practicable, as soon as practicable afterwards, we will notify you of certain matters about which we are required to notify you in accordance with the APP’s, such as our contact details, the purpose for which we are collecting your personal information and the consequences for you if you do not provide the personal information to us.

How do we use this information?

Your personal information will be used by RB for the following purposes:

  • administering our relationship with you, providing products and services, and responding to enquiries
  • administering competitions including identifying you to award a prize;
  • aggregating and linking personal and non-personal information about you;
  • promoting and marketing RB’s products and services to you/the public;
  • meeting legal or other regulatory obligations imposed on us;
  • auditing usage of our websites;
  • conducting research and analysis; and
  • help us better design our products, websites and services.

Occasionally RB may gain assistance from others to provide our services but your personal information will not be disclosed to them unless we have your approval or where that is necessary to fulfil our obligations to you.

How we use cookies and similar technologies                                         

When you visit our websites or apps or where you use another company’s website and apps that our ads appear on we may send a ‘cookie’ to your computer. We may also place cookies when you make purchases, request or personalize information, or register for certain services. If you accept these cookies, you may give us access to information about your interests. This is a small data file stored by your computer to help improve functionality or tailor information to provide visitors with more relevant pages. We may also analyse website traffic to identify what visitors find most interesting so we can tailor our websites accordingly. Similar technologies such as web beacons, pixels, gifs, and tags also do the same thing. We use the term cookies and similar technologies in this statement to refer to all technologies that collect information in this way.

Overseas Recipients

In providing services we may need to transfer data to another RB office in another country, or to other overseas entities such as our agents. We will take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that any personal information transferred overseas is kept securely by the overseas entity. By submitting your personal information to RB you agree that you consent to the provision, transfer, processing or storage of your personal information to or by overseas recipients.

Direct Marketing

We may use personal information for the purpose of direct marketing in order to send you details of new products and promotions. Our direct marketing communications will include an unsubscribe link which will allow you to quickly and easily unsubscribe from any direct marketing communications. We will inform you before collecting your personal information if we intend to use your personal information for such a purpose.

Unsolicited Personal Information

From time to time RB receives unsolicited personal information. Unsolicited personal information will not be held by us and will be destroyed.

Access to Personal Information

You are entitled to access your personal information held by us free of charge in the manner requested by you. If you wish to access your personal information please email us at We will respond to requests for correction of personal information within 30 days of the date of receipt of your request.



Quality of Personal Information

RB will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information that we collect, use or disclose is up to date, complete and accurate and relevant. If your personal information changes or you wish to correct it, please let us know by sending an email to and we will update our records within 30 days of receipt of your request.

Storage and Security

Your personal information will be held by us securely. RB will take reasonable steps to ensure that is it held free from misuse, interference, loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. It will only be accessible to the management, employees and contractors of RB who require access to the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. RB will also take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information no longer needed for any purpose for which the personal information may be used or disclosed.

Agreement to terms of privacy policy

By using this website and/or providing information to us, you accept and agree to the collection and use of your personal information for the purposes described. We review our policies regularly and occasionally may need to change or update them. This Privacy Notice was last reviewed and updated on 11 April 2014

Contact information

Requests for further information about this Privacy Notice, requests to correct or update personal information, any privacy related complaints or questions about how we process personal information can be sent by email to by phone on 0800 40 30 30 during office hours or by writing to:

Attention: Privacy Officer

RB New Zealand Limited

Private Bag 93523, Takapuna, Auckland 0740

23 March 2015